Planning for the Core Industrial Zone Released!; High-energy-level platforms, project launches, and signings!; Suzhou Taihu Photonics Center Construction Promotion Conference Held To further advance the construction of the Suzhou Taihu Photonics Center.

Date: 2023-10-07

Accelerate industry clustering, Optimize the industrial ecosystem, strengthen the industrial supply chain, Dedicated to building a world-class photonics industry innovation center. Today (September 20th) The Suzhou Taihu Photonics Center Construction Promotion Conference was held in our region Zhang Qiao, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government, Ma Xiaoping, Second-level Inspector of the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Department, Yin Rui, Fourth-level Staff of the Nanjing Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tang Yuguo, Director of the Suzhou Medical Device and Engineering Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xie Pinhua, Party Secretary of the Anhui Opto-Mechatronics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Song Changbao, Deputy Party Secretary of the District Party Committee and Director of the Management Committee, Wan Li, Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Qian Jianlin, CEO of Hengtong Group, Min Dayong, Chairman of Suzhou Changguanghua Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Yan Ruoyuan, Co-President of Weixinnuo Technology Co., Ltd., Wu Meng, Deputy Director of the 214th Research Institute of China Ordnance Industry, and others attended the event.

"National experts and scholars in the field of the photonics industry, officials from the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, relevant departments in the city, leaders from various county-level cities (districts), responsible individuals from Suzhou Industrial Park, members of the City's Photonics Industry Technology Town, representatives from key enterprises and organizations, representatives from the Photonics Federation, including the rotating chairman and vice-chairman, and other representatives from various units attended the event."


 (Zhang Qiao) stated that in August of last year, Suzhou officially launched the construction of the Taihu Photonics Center and designated photonics as one of the 16 key areas for manufacturing industry innovation clusters in the digital economy era. Over the past year, through the collective efforts of the entire city, significant progress has been achieved, with strong and vibrant development in the corporate sector. Looking forward, we will continue to consolidate and leverage our industrial base advantages, promote collaborative innovation, accelerate breakthroughs in key technologies, and strive to build a top-tier ecosystem. We aim to unite efforts for development, concentrate on building vitality, and create the globally renowned "City of Optics."

(Ma Xiaoping) expressed that Jiangsu has gathered numerous strong enterprises in the field of photonics, and the photonics industry holds a strategic position nationwide. Suzhou is actively seizing opportunities for the development of the photonics industry, expediting the creation of a dynamic, forward-looking, and globally renowned photonics industrial innovation hub. It is hoped that Suzhou will further assume its role as a "pace-setter," grasp cutting-edge photonics technology, strengthen collaborative innovation, foster the optimal ecosystem, and expedite the transformation of technological advantages into industrial advantages. This will comprehensively empower Jiangsu in constructing a modern industrial system.

 (Yin Rui) stated that Suzhou boasts a comprehensive range of industries and a strong industrial foundation, while the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences possesses deep knowledge of photonics with a solid foundation. It is hoped that the construction of a high-level innovation platform by the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology will lead to the generation of more major scientific and technological achievements, propelling the development of the Taihu Photonics Center. With the strong support of the Suzhou municipal government, it is believed that cooperation between the institute and local industries holds great promise.

 (Song Changbao) emphasized that the current priority in our region is to conscientiously implement the relevant directives from the provincial and municipal authorities and make vigorous progress in the construction of the Taihu Photonics Center. We are dedicated to concentrating innovation resources, establishing innovative platforms, optimizing the industrial ecosystem, and other key tasks. In the next step, our region will continue to make full efforts in the construction of the Taihu Photonics Center to create a hub for photonics industry development. This will form a billion-dollar photonics industry innovation cluster in China with significant influence and competitiveness.

Platform Launch

The construction of the Suzhou Taihu Photonics Technology Research Institute has been initiated to explore a new paradigm for building high-energy-level innovation platforms in the field of photonics. This initiative aims to further promote the integration of industry, academia, and research in the field of photonics, providing innovative "power sources" for the development of the Taihu Photonics Center.

The construction of the Silicon Photonics Integration Process Platform at the Taihu Photonics Center has also been initiated. Leading companies are taking the lead in this platform, with the participation of state-owned financial capital, such as Suzhou High-tech Industrial Park (SIP) Financial Holdings, and other societal capital. This move is expected to enhance the overall efficiency of the development of the industrial innovation cluster.

Cooperation Agreements

Key projects in the field of photonics across the entire city have been signed, covering important areas such as photonics chips and optical components. Among these projects, those with high technological content and strong industrial impact, including the project by Oneje Intelligence in our region, hold significant importance for empowering the development of the photonics industry throughout the city.

Anhui Opto-Mechatronics Institute signed a cooperation agreement with the 214th Research Institute of China Ordnance Industry, and Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) partnered with Hengtong Optic-Electric. This collaboration marks a significant step forward for Suzhou in its endeavor to create a world-class photonics industry innovation cluster. With these agreements, all five major optoelectronic institutes in China now have deep partnerships with Suzhou.

Achievement Announcement

Release of the Industrial Core Zone Plan for the Taihu Photonics Center

The Industrial Core Zone of the Taihu Photonics Center is situated on the western edge of Suzhou, along the banks of Lake Taihu. It is located at the intersection of the Taihu Lake Science and Innovation Circle and the "One Belt, One Road" industrial innovation belt along the Shanghai-Nanjing corridor. Together with the Innovation Source Core and the Public Service Core, it forms the "Innovation Triangle" of the Taihu Science City.

The core area is designed with the development goal of being an "innovation-driven photonics industry source, a photonics industry hub with abundant resources, and a forward-looking photonics industry leader." It will further accelerate the creation of a high-quality innovation ecosystem that integrates talent, research, finance, industrial chains, and global high-end resource allocation, promoting industrial clustering and establishing a strong industry brand.

During the event, four distinctive photonics industry parks, including the Taihu Photonics Science Park and the Taihu Science City Optoelectronic Industrial Park in our region, were granted certifications, as were five public service platforms, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's platform for enhancing the quality and reliability of optoelectronic information products and Suzhou's public testing service platform for new flat-panel displays. This simultaneous release and certification will accelerate the development of the photonics industry, bring together innovation resources, and enhance the industry's capabilities.

During the meeting, they reported on the progress of the Suzhou Photonics Industry Innovation Cluster and the work of the Suzhou Photonics Industry Federation. Representatives from companies, such as Weixinnuo Technology Co., Ltd., made speeches, and Dr. Yuminbin, an expert in the silicon photonics industry, delivered a keynote speech.

In August of the previous year, the Municipal Party Committee and Government decided to establish the Taihu Photonics Center in the Taihu Science City. This decision aimed to further consolidate the city's innovation resources, accelerate collaborative development, and comprehensively strengthen and expand the photonics industry. Over the past year, our region has diligently implemented the directives of the Municipal Party Committee and Government, making a strong effort to advance the construction of the Taihu Photonics Center.

They have intensified their efforts to aggregate photonics innovation resources, actively organized the first World Photonics Industry Development Conference, continually attracted high-quality innovation resources, and achieved impressive results. Since its establishment, the Taihu Photonics Center has attracted 72 projects, including 44 valued at over a billion yuan. Currently, the region is home to more than 250 companies in the field of photonics, with a total output value of 68 billion yuan. Tianzun Technology has been recognized as a national-level enterprise technology center, four companies have been designated as national-level potential unicorns, and eight companies have received national-level recognition as specialized and innovative "little giants."

To build a more advanced photonics innovation platform, the first phase of the advanced compound semiconductor basic process platform has been completed. Progress has also been accelerated in numerous basic process platforms and public service platforms. Changguanghuaxin has taken the lead in establishing the High-Power Semiconductor Laser Innovation Consortium. The Key Laboratory for "Medical Imaging" at the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been approved for construction, with efforts focused on breaking through a batch of key core technologies.

Furthermore, concrete measures have been taken to optimize the photonics industry ecosystem. A three-year action plan for the development of the photonics industry innovation cluster has been formulated, along with the issuance of the "High-Light 20 Measures" supportive policies. A photonics investment fund with a total size of 10 billion yuan has been established, with the first 1 billion yuan already initiated for investment. A 100,000-square-meter optoelectronics science and technology park is set to be completed soon, while a 300,000-square-meter photonics international innovation community and a 1-square-kilometer Taihu Photonics Industry Agglomeration Area are accelerating development, all with the aim of creating a "tropical rainforest-style" industrial ecosystem.

Moving forward, our region will adhere to the unified directives of the Municipal Party Committee and Government and focus on the following objectives:

1. Strengthening coordination and collaboration with photonics resources across the city.

2. Making all-out efforts to establish a top-tier brand for the Taihu Photonics Center.

3. Devoting full efforts to create a top-tier photonics industry hub.

4. Building a top-tier photonics innovation ecosystem.

By aligning with these goals, the region aims to solidify its position as a leading player in the field of photonics, promoting innovation, and contributing to the overall development and success of the photonics industry.

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